Former Publisher of Overlooked in Appalachia: OverlookedinAppalachia.org
Select professional work:
Graphic Design and Layout
Shakespeare Association of America Program-2009 (created in InDesign and Adobe Photoshop)
Newsletter from Highland Baptist Church-2006 (created in InDesign)
The United States Institute of Peace
Academy Course Simulations Stimulate Critical Thinking
Students Learn Conflict Resolution Basics at USIP
USIP Board Member Emphasizes the Significance of Media in Peacebuilding Efforts
Sports as a Metaphor and Tool for Peacebuilding
Social Media Amplify Concerns in India’s Jammu and Kashmir State
Council for Christian Colleges and Universities
PDFs for download:
Peeling off the Label, Best Semester Spring 2009
Tai Chi: An Act in Maintaining Balance and Harmony, Best Semester Spring 2009
Gathering for the Inaugural, CCCU Advance Spring 2009
A Rousing Act One, Best Semester Fall 2009
From Solider to Student, CCCU Advance Spring 2009
A Hands-On Approach to China, Best Semester Fall 2009
Brochure for the Spring 2009 Forum
The Palm Beach Post
Uptown Gals:
Which one makes better pizza? It's a toss up, June 20, 2007, The Palm Beach Post
New zoo show takes flight at Dreher Park, April 25, 2007, The Palm Beach Post
Wake up West Palm Beach Gals are Downtown, March 7, 2007, The Palm Beach Post
Feature Stories:
Loxahatchee teen plants seeds that help him earn Eagle Scout, The Palm Beach Post
Theatre takes Center Stage in Wellington woman's life, Palm Beach Post April 23, 2008